This Mathematica notebook was used for all the numerical computations for the "Signatures of non-Abelian anyons in the thermodynamics of an interacting fermion model" paper.
How to use it: 1) Set an anisotropy parameter. 2) Set the range and discretization of the rapidity \lambda. 3) Run the "Compute string" part. It computes all the allowed strings for the given anisotropy parameter. 4) Run "Define kernels". This defines all the kernels of the integral equations for the given anisotropy parameter. 5) Run "Numerical Fourier transformation and useful functions". This defines all the necessary functions for fast Fourier transformations. 6) Use the part "Solving integral equations by iteration" to define functions that solve the integral equations of the dressed energies. These differ depending on whether the derivative with respect to the external field or the temperature are needed. 7) The remaining parts are used to compute specific physical quantities of the perturbed SO(5)_Nf WZNW model. 8) Part "High temperature asymptotics of SO(5) spin chain" was used to check whether the correct high-temperature behavior of the entropy is found. This is a good test to check whether the strings and kernels are correct.
Cite this as
Daniel Borcherding, Holger Frahm (2019). Dataset: Condensates of SO(5)_N anyons. Resource:
DOI retrieved: June 25, 2019
Additional Information
Field | Value |
Created | unknown |
Last updated | October 14, 2021 |
Format | application/zip |