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Dataset description:
The data are part of the MSc-Thesis of Wadu Thanthri Nilupuli Thushangi (International Horticulture) with the title: "Interaction of Soil Mesofauna (Collembola) with Apple Replant...
Source: Does Apple replant disease (ARD) affect the soil patch selection behaviour of Collembolans?
Cite this as
Nilupuli Thushangi Wadu Thanthri, Rainer Meyhöfer (2022). Dataset: Does Apple replant disease (ARD) affect the soil patch selection behaviour of Collembolans?. Resource: Collembola_field_soils_population_development.csv.
DOI retrieved: June 16, 2022
Additional Information
Field | Value |
Created | unknown |
Last updated | February 22, 2023 |
Format | text/csv |