field trial antixenosis
Development of A. proletella on different Brussel sprout cultivars in a field trial on the university campus (52°23'39.4" N, 9°42'13.3" E, Germany) with six cultivars and four blocks per cultivar. Plots were arranged in a completely randomised block design in two rows (24 plots in total) and had a size of 13 m2 with 36 plants each. Infestation was recorded biweekly with counting egg clutches, larvae and adults on 10 plants (except plants at the edge) in every plot.
Cite this as
Peter Hondelmann, Christina Paul, Monika Schreiner, Rainer Meyhöfer (2020). Dataset: Importance of Antixenosis and Antibiosis Resistance to the Cabbage Whitefly (Aleyrodes proletella) in Brussels Sprout Cultivars. Resource: field trial antixenosis.
DOI retrieved: July 21, 2020
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Field | Value |
Created | unknown |
Last updated | January 12, 2023 |
Format | text/csv |