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Complementary table of EUTM with names and descriptions
This is a complementary of table of tm with the name of the trade marks and the description(s) of the products protected by the trade mark in English.
Tables tm_gands_99 where 99 is 1 .. 57
Example tm_gands_31.csv
Table with EUTM info, one line per application and Nice class,
4 511 307 records 5 fields (1996-04-01 to 2020-01-21)
field 1: appli_code (999999999, EUTM key)
field 2: Nice_class (99, Nice code of product)
field 3: tm_verbal_element ((verbal element of the trade mark (if any))
field 4: product_desc (product description of the trade mark (English))
field 5: serie (99, number of the file)
Additional Information
Field | Value |
Created | unknown |
Last updated | January 16, 2025 |
Format | application/zip |
Language | English |