Diffusion Models Beat GANs on Image Synthesis
Diffusion models have recently emerged as the state-of-the-art of generative modeling, demonstrating remarkable results in image synthesis and across other modalities. -
Diffusion Models and Representation Learning: A Survey
Diffusion Models are popular generative modeling methods in various vision tasks, attracting significant attention. They can be considered a unique instance of self-supervised... -
NuScenes dataset
The dataset used in the paper is the NuScenes dataset, which contains LiDAR point clouds and corresponding semantic annotations. -
ImageNet and MS COCO
The dataset used in the paper is the ImageNet and MS COCO benchmarks. -
Real dataset for fabric mechanics estimation
A real dataset of depth images of fabrics, with mechanical ground truth parameters, used to test and evaluate a method for estimating fabric mechanics from depth images. -
Synthetic dataset for fabric mechanics estimation
A synthetic dataset of depth images of fabrics, with mechanical ground truth parameters, used to train and evaluate a method for estimating fabric mechanics from depth images. -
Simulation Testing Environment
The dataset used for training and testing the direct regression model, sparse correspondence model, and dense correspondence model. -
Learning Eye-in-Hand Camera Calibration from a Single Image
The dataset used for learning-based methods for online eye-in-hand camera calibration from a single RGB image. -
CIFAR-100 and ImageNet
The dataset used in the paper is CIFAR-100 and ImageNet. -
Hand-drawn Symbol Recognition of Surgical Flowsheet Graphs with Deep Image Se...
The dataset used in this paper for hand-drawn symbol recognition of surgical flowsheet graphs with deep image segmentation. -
FULL1 and FULL2 datasets
The FULL1 and FULL2 datasets are subsets of the Oxford RobotCar dataset, with longer route lengths. -
LOOP1 and LOOP2 datasets
The LOOP1 and LOOP2 datasets are subsets of the Oxford RobotCar dataset, with shorter route lengths. -
PhotoBot: Reference-Guided Interactive Photography via Natural Language
PhotoBot is a framework for fully automated photo acquisition based on an interplay between high-level human language guidance and a robot photographer. -
Kubric Dataset
The Kubric dataset offers training and validation data across various difficulty levels, featuring videos of objects interacting with each other. -
Physion Dataset
The Physion dataset provides training, validation, and testing data for seven scenarios, such as dominoes and support, involving rigid-body objects colliding as well as one...