RADAR (Research Data Repository)
Facile-rs (v3.0.0)
Abstract: A set of Python scripts for tasks around the archival and long term preservation of software repositories. -
RADAR (Research Data Repository)
Facile-rs (v2.2.0)
Abstract: A set of Python scripts for tasks around the archival and long term preservation of software repositories. -
RADAR (Research Data Repository)
Divaid (v1.1)
Abstract: DIVAID is an open pipeline that divides atrial geometries into clinically important regions according to previously proposed definitions. -
RADAR (Research Data Repository)
Facile-rs (v2.1.0)
Abstract: A set of Python scripts for tasks around the archival and long term preservation of software repositories. -
RADAR (Research Data Repository)
Facile-rs (v2.0.0)
Abstract: A set of Python scripts for tasks around the archival and long term preservation of software repositories. -
RADAR (Research Data Repository)
Divaid (v1.0)
Abstract: DIVAID is an open pipeline that divides atrial geometries into clinically important regions according to previously proposed definitions. -
RADAR (Research Data Repository)
The right atrium affects in silico arrhythmia vulnerability in both atria
Abstract: This is an example to run the PEERP (Pacing at the End of the Refractory Period, Luca Azzolin et al., https://doi.org/10.3389/fphys.2021.656411) protocol using a... -
RADAR (Research Data Repository)
Opencarp ci (v1.5.2)
Abstract: A set of Python scripts for tasks around the archival and long term preservation of software repositories.