The right atrium affects in silico arrhythmia vulnerability in both atria

Abstract: This is an example to run the PEERP (Pacing at the End of the Refractory Period, Luca Azzolin et al., protocol using a monoatrial left atrium (LA) mesh, with fibers and region annotation. The mesh is the mean LA geometry from the SSM (Statistical Shape Model) proposed by Claudia Nagel et al. (doi:10.5281/zenodo.4309957) and the fibers and annotations were generated using AugmentA code ( by Luca Azzolin et al.

Cite this as

Martinez Diaz, Patricia, Loewe, Axel (2023). Dataset: The right atrium affects in silico arrhythmia vulnerability in both atria.

DOI retrieved: 2023

Additional Info

Field Value
Imported on November 28, 2024
Last update November 28, 2024
License Apache License 2.0
Author Martinez Diaz, Patricia
Given Name Patricia
Family Name Martinez Diaz
More Authors
Loewe, Axel
Source Creation 2023
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Production Year 2023
Publication Year 2023
Resource Type Workflow - Simulation code
Subject Areas
Name: Engineering

Name: Medicine

Name: Computer Science