GovData (Germany's Open Data Portal)
Measurement results for radioactivity in: Surface water (5.9.2022)
Measurement data for monitoring radioactivity in the environment, food and feed -
GovData (Germany's Open Data Portal)
Topographical map 1: 10 000-3340-SW Rathenow (1999)
The topographic map in the 1:10,000 scale is the basic measure of Brandenburg’s topographic maps. The Earth’s surface is relatively complete (only slightly generalised) and... -
GovData (Germany's Open Data Portal)
Measurement results for radioactivity in: Sediment (9.3.2021)
Measurement data for monitoring radioactivity in the environment, food and feed -
GovData (Germany's Open Data Portal)
Zeitreihen der mittleren Periodendauer von Oberflächenwellen 2010
Zeitreihen der mitlleren Periodendauer (2. Moment) aus dem MARNET-Messnetz. -
GovData (Germany's Open Data Portal)
Bebauungsplan - Freizeitpark Kronensee-Aufhebungsbereich
Bebauungsplan -
GovData (Germany's Open Data Portal)
EasyGSH-DB: Hydrodynamics 1999 (WMS)
The card service EasyGSH-DB: Hydrodynamics 1999 (WMS), includes the products of the hydrodynamic analyses from the EasyGSH-DB project. Literature: - Hagen, R., et.al., (2019),... -
GovData (Germany's Open Data Portal)
INSPIRE US Schulstandorte im Landkreis Altenburger Land
Dieser Datenbestand stellt die Schulstandorte des Landkreises Altenburger Land dar (Grundschulen, Regelschulen, Gymnasien, Förderschulen, Berufliche Schulen, Schulen in freier... -
GovData (Germany's Open Data Portal)
The slaughterings in Hamburg in March 2018 — - Preliminary results —
No description available. -
GovData (Germany's Open Data Portal)
Anteil erneuerbarer Energien am Stromverbrauch (Lkr.)
Anteil von Strom aus erneuerbaren Energien am Stromverbrauch je Landkreis in Bayern. -
GovData (Germany's Open Data Portal)
Tourist accommodation in Hamburg September 2014 — Preliminary results —
No description available. -
GovData (Germany's Open Data Portal)
Schulstraße (Drebber) (Ursprungsplan)
Schulstraße (Drebber) (Ursprungsplan) im Datenformat XPlanGML Version 5.1.2 -
GovData (Germany's Open Data Portal)
Implementation plan D 171 Hamburg
District: Hamburg-Mitte, district: Hamm-Nord, district: 122, 121, Plan district: Burgstraße, Landwehrplatz, Marienthaler Straße, Jordanstraße, railway facilities, Ritterstraße,... -
GovData (Germany's Open Data Portal)
Schichtdicken des operationellen Zirkulationsmodells des BSH in der Nord- und...
Schichtdicken des operationellen Zirkulationsmodells des Bundesamtes für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie (BSH) in der Nord- und Ostsee (horizontale Auflösung ca. 5 km). Das... -
GovData (Germany's Open Data Portal)
Measurement results for radioactivity in: Shell fruit (roasted hazelnut seeds...
Measurement data for monitoring radioactivity in the environment, food and feed -
GovData (Germany's Open Data Portal)
Planned Land Use - City of Schwedt/Oder (dataset)
Data set for planned land use in the area of the city of Schwedt according to INSPIRE Data Specification on Land Use. -
GovData (Germany's Open Data Portal)
Prussian Urmess Table Sheets 1: 25 000 4041 Straach
The production of the Prussian Urmesstischblatt began in 1822 for the entire territory of Prussia. The cards were hand-drawn unique pieces in scale 1: 25 000. They have not... -
GovData (Germany's Open Data Portal)
Preussische Urmesstischblätter 1 : 25 000 3251 Neulewin
The production of the Prussian Urmesstischblätter began in 1822 for the entire territory of Prussia. The cards were hand-drawn one-offs on a scale of 1: 25 000. They were not... -
GovData (Germany's Open Data Portal)
Topographical map 1: 25 000 — Issue of State (1981-1989) N-33-98-C-d Rägelin
The topographical maps, referred to as the issuing State (AS), were primarily for military purposes and carried the classification level of Confidential classified information....