Tecnick dataset
The Tecnick dataset is a dataset of 10 images, each with a size of 512x512 pixels. -
FashionMNIST dataset
The dataset used in this paper is the FashionMNIST dataset, which consists of 60,000 images of clothing items from 10 different classes. -
CT slice dataset
The dataset used in this paper is a CT slice dataset, which comprises a collection of 53,500 CT images obtained from 74 different patients, encompassing 43 males and 31 females. -
CIFAR10 dataset
The dataset used in this paper is the CIFAR10 dataset, which contains 60,000 32x32 color images in 10 classes, with 6,000 images per class. -
Multi-atlas labeling beyond the cranial vault
A large annotated medical image dataset for the development and evaluation of segmentation algorithms. -
SIGL Dataset
The dataset contains 625 malicious installers, including real-world malware, and 141 benign installers. -
OpenImage dataset
The dataset used in the paper is the OpenImage dataset. -
2DMOT15 and 2DMOT16 Datasets for Multi-Object Tracking
The 2DMOT15 and 2DMOT16 datasets are used to evaluate the performance of the proposed online MOT algorithm. -
Pascal VOC 2012
The dataset used in the paper is the Pascal VOC 2012 dataset, which is a benchmark for instance segmentation. The dataset consists of 1464 images with 20 class categories and... -
COCO Stuff
COCO Stuff dataset is an extension of the COCO dataset, 164,000 images covering 171 classes are annotated with segmentation masks. -
A dataset of datasets for learning to learn from few examples. -
Caltech dataset
The Caltech dataset is a dataset of images used to evaluate the performance of the ODIN system. -
Indian Food dataset
The Indian Food dataset is a dataset of images used to evaluate the performance of the ODIN system. -
The Caltech-UCSD Birds-200-2011 Dataset
The CUB dataset is a collection of images of landbirds and waterbirds from the CUB dataset, combined with images from Places dataset as background. -
Stanford Drone Dataset
The Stanford Drone Dataset is a well-established benchmark for human trajectory prediction in bird’s eye view. The dataset consists of 20 scenes captured using a drone in... -
A dataset for multi-sensor drone detection