PANGAEA (Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science)
Geochemical and sedimentological data of the JPC42 sediment core from Wide Ch...
Organic geochemical and sedimentological data analyzed at a 10 to 20 cm interval on the JPC42 and KC41 cores including total organic carbon content, stable carbon isotopes,... -
PANGAEA (Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science)
Abundances of coccolithophores found in southern Patagonia during the austral...
Physical and chemical parameters and associated coccolithophores species/Emiliania huxleyi morphotypes abundances and biovolume and co-occurring microplankton abundances... -
PANGAEA (Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science)
Abundances of planktonic items found in southern Patagonia during the austral...
Physical and chemical parameters and associated coccolithophores species/Emiliania huxleyi morphotypes abundances and biovolume and co-occurring microplankton abundances... -
PANGAEA (Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science)
Physical and chemical parameters and associated abundance and biovolume of Em...
Physical and chemical parameters and associated coccolithophores species/Emiliania huxleyi morphotypes abundances and biovolume and co-occurring microplankton abundances... -
PANGAEA (Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science)
Stable isotope records of sei whale baleens from Chilean Patagonia
The datafile includes nitrogen and carbon isotope analyses of seven baleen plates from six individuals of sei whales (Balaenoptera borealis) from the Chilean-Patagonian fjord... -
PANGAEA (Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science)
Geochemical and sedimentological analysis of the 12.2 m long, radiocarbon-dat...
We performed geochemical and sedimentological analyses on a 12.2 m long, radiocarbon-dated sediment core collected from Wide Channel (50°S; Chile) to reconstruct fluctuations of...