Abundances of planktonic items found in southern Patagonia during the austral late-spring 2015

Physical and chemical parameters and associated coccolithophores species/Emiliania huxleyi morphotypes abundances and biovolume and co-occurring microplankton abundances recorded in southern Patagonia (~ 50-54 ºS) during the austral late-spring 2015 (at the end of november) and early-spring 2017 (at the end of september). Given the scarcity of data about coccolithophores in Patagonian waters and the impressive nearly a century spring-summer reports of Emiliania huxleyi blooms around the North Sea and Norwegian fjords system we want to observe what happens in this side of the planet. To do that, we collected seawater containing planktonic organisms at the surface and in some stations up to 75 m depth. Inverted microscopy along with SEM analyses were used to identify and quantify the planktonic items.

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Cite this as

Díaz-Rosas, Francisco, Alves-de-Souza, Catharina, Alarcon, Emilio, Menschel, Eduardo, González, Humberto E, Torres, Rodrigo, von Dassow, Peter (2021). Dataset: Abundances of planktonic items found in southern Patagonia during the austral late-spring 2015. https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.936506

DOI retrieved: 2021

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Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
License CC-BY-4.0
Source https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.936506
Author Díaz-Rosas, Francisco
Given Name Francisco
Family Name Díaz-Rosas
More Authors
Alves-de-Souza, Catharina
Alarcon, Emilio
Menschel, Eduardo
González, Humberto E
Torres, Rodrigo
von Dassow, Peter
Source Creation 2021
Publication Year 2021
Resource Type text/tab-separated-values - filename: TableS2_Diaz_etal-2021
Subject Areas
Name: BiologicalClassification

Name: Ecology

Name: Lithosphere

Related Identifiers
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Authors: Díaz-Rosas Francisco , Alves-de-Souza Catharina , Alarcon Emilio , Menschel Eduardo , González Humberto E , Torres Rodrigo , von Dassow Peter , Díaz-Rosas Francisco , Alves-de-Souza Catharina , Alarcon Emilio , Menschel Eduardo , González Humberto , Torres Rodrigo , von Dassow Peter , Díaz-Rosas Francisco , Alves-de-Souza Catharina , Alarcon Emilio , Menschel Eduardo , González Humberto , Torres Rodrigo , von Dassow Peter .

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Authors: Díaz-Rosas Francisco , Alves-de-Souza Catharina , Alarcon Emilio , Menschel Eduardo , González Humberto E , Torres Rodrigo , von Dassow Peter , Díaz-Rosas Francisco , Alves-de-Souza Catharina , Alarcon Emilio , Menschel Eduardo , González Humberto , Torres Rodrigo , von Dassow Peter , Díaz-Rosas Francisco , Alves-de-Souza Catharina , Alarcon Emilio , Menschel Eduardo , González Humberto , Torres Rodrigo , von Dassow Peter .

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Authors: Díaz-Rosas Francisco , Alves-de-Souza Catharina , Alarcon Emilio , Menschel Eduardo , González Humberto E , Torres Rodrigo , von Dassow Peter , Díaz-Rosas Francisco , Alves-de-Souza Catharina , Alarcon Emilio , Menschel Eduardo , González Humberto , Torres Rodrigo , von Dassow Peter , Díaz-Rosas Francisco , Alves-de-Souza Catharina , Alarcon Emilio , Menschel Eduardo , González Humberto , Torres Rodrigo , von Dassow Peter .