11 datasets found

Tags: RGB-D images

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  • Scene Coordinate Regression Forests

    Scene coordinate regression forests for camera relocalization in RGB-D images
  • Tomatopia

    Tomatopia is a new, large-scale dataset of greenhouse tomatoes, manually annotated in a pixel-wise manner. The dataset comprises high-resolution RGB-D images and pixel-level...
  • RIO10

    The RIO10 dataset consists of 10 scenes. Each scene presents a real indoor environment with different configurations showing several geometric and visual changes encountered in...

    LINEMOD dataset is a widely used instance-level 6D object pose estimation dataset which consists of 13 different objects with significant shape variation.
  • RGB-D-Fusion dataset

    A custom dataset created by rendering RGB-D images using perspective projection from high-quality 3D models of people.
  • Scannet

    The dataset used for training and testing the proposed RGBD-based obstacle avoidance system for visually impaired people.
  • KITTI Benchmark Suite

    The KITTI benchmark suite is a large-scale dataset for 3D object detection, consisting of 7,481 training samples and 7,518 test samples.
  • GraspNet-1Billion

    GraspNet-1Billion is a large-scale real-world grasping dataset containing 190 cluttered grasping scenes and 97,280 RGB-D images captured by 2 kinds of RGB-D cameras from 256...
  • NYUv2

    Multi-task learning (MTL) research is broadly divided into two categories: one is to learn the correlation between tasks through model structures, and the other is to balance...
  • Dataset for Tree Skeleton Segmentation

    The unlabeled dataset contained 517 RGB-D apple tree images taken from a commercial apple orchard in Victoria, Australia.

    RGB-D scene recognition approaches often train two standalone backbones for RGB and depth modalities with the same Places or ImageNet pre-training. However, the pre-trained...
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