Graph embedding is a powerful method to represent graph neurological data (e.g., brain connectomes) in a low dimensional space for brain connectivity mapping, prediction and classification. However, existing embedding algorithms have two major limitations. First, they primarily focus on preserving one-to-one topological relationships between nodes (i.e., regions of interest (ROIs) in a connectome), but they have mostly ignored many-to-many relationships (i.e., set to set), which can be captured using a hyperconnectome structure. Second, existing graph embedding techniques cannot be easily adapted to multi-view graph data with heterogeneous distributions. In this paper, while cross-pollinating adversarial deep learning with hypergraph theory, we aim to jointly learn deep latent embeddings of subject-specific multi-view brain graphs to eventually disentangle different brain states such as Alzheimer’s disease (AD) versus mild cognitive impairment (MCI). First, we propose a new simple strategy to build a hyperconnectome for each brain view based on nearest neighbour algorithm to preserve the con-nectivities across pairs of ROIs. Second, we design a hyperconnectome autoencoder (HCAE) framework which operates directly on the multi-view hyperconnectomes based on hypergraph convolutional layers to better capture the many-to-many relationships between brain regions (i.e., graph nodes). For each subject, we further regularize the hyper-graph autoencoding by adversarial regularization to align the distribution of the learned hyperconnectome embeddings with the original hyperconnectome distribution. We formalize our hyperconnectome embedding within a geometric deep learning framework to optimize for a given subject, thereby designing an individual-based learning framework.