Joint Observations
The dataset used in the paper is a set of joint observations that are used to train the generative model. The dataset is used to evaluate the performance of the proposed method... -
Multi-Agent Environment
The dataset used in the paper is a multi-agent environment where agents learn to coordinate their actions to achieve a common goal. The dataset is used to evaluate the proposed... -
ACDC Challenge and M&Ms Challenge
The ACDC challenge and M&Ms challenge datasets are used for evaluating the proposed method. -
Harmonic Decompositions of Convolutional Networks
The dataset used in this paper is a collection of images of faces, each with a different expression. -
CEC2017 Constrained Real-Parameter Optimization Benchmark Functions
The dataset used in this paper for constrained real-parameter optimization problems. -
Yahoo Answers topics
The dataset used in this paper for few-shot text classification task. -
M&M Initiative (MMI) dataset
The MMI facial expression dataset contains 203 sequences from 19 subjects. -
Multimedia Understanding Group (MUG) dataset
The MUG facial expression dataset contains 1462 sequences from 86 subjects. -
Recognition of Facial Expressions Based on Salient Geometric Features and Sup...
The proposed FER system is evaluated on three different datasets: extended Cohn-Kanade (CK+) facial expression dataset, M&M Initiative (MMI) dataset, and Multimedia... -
Specificity measures and reference
The dataset used in the paper is a set of geometric objects and basic properties such as color, size and position, all of which can be viewed as gradual. -
Learning with Noisy Labels for Robust Point Cloud Segmentation
Point cloud segmentation is a fundamental task in 3D. Despite recent progress on point cloud segmentation with the power of deep networks, current deep learning methods based on... -
SmartKex: Machine Learning Assisted SSH Keys Extraction From The Heap Dump
The dataset is a collection of heap memory snapshots of OpenSSH processes, extracted using SSHKex, with features added for SSH client monitoring. -
Dialogue Summarization
Dialogue summarization datasets including SAMSum, DialogSum, TODSum, and DREAM. -
Quantum Process Logic - Take IIb
The dataset consists of a graphical language for describing quantum phenomena and meaning-related linguistic phenomena. -
Quantum Process Logic - Take IIa
The dataset consists of a graphical language for describing quantum phenomena and meaning-related linguistic phenomena. -
Quantum Process Logic
The dataset consists of a graphical language for describing quantum phenomena and meaning-related linguistic phenomena. -
H-Fac: Memory-Efficient Optimization with Factorized Hamiltonian Descent
The dataset used in this study is a benchmark for evaluating the performance of memory-efficient optimizers.