BACI Dataset
BACI Dataset Documentation
BACI provides data on bilateral trade flows for 200 countries at the product level (5000 products). Products correspond to the "Harmonized System" nomenclature (6 digit code). BACI relies on data from the United Nations Statistical Division (Comtrade dataset). Since countries report both their imports and their exports to the United Nations, the raw data we use may have duplicates flows: trade from country i to country j may be reported by i as an export to j and by j as an import from i. The reported values should match, but in practice are virtually never identical, for two reasons:
Import values are reported CIF (cost, insurance and freight) while exports are reported FOB (free on board).
Mistakes are made, because of uncertainty on the final destination of exports, discrepancies in the classification of a given product, etc...
Licensed EtaLab Open Licence v2.0, original data downloaded from"