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On July 16, 2024 at 2:28:51 PM UTC, Gravatar admin:
  • Updated description of Live Code Feature from

    CoyPu Knowledge Graph (KG) contains a huge amount of data about all the countries worldwide, including each country's performance based on thousands of indicators presented in the World Bank datasets. An indicator refers to a specific metric measuring a particular aspect of economic, social, or environmental development. We aim to detect communities of Country-Indicator and predict relationships between them. We follow a hybrid AI framework that employs inductive learning to identify a partitioning of nodes within a KG. The proposed framework comprises four design patterns describing the sub-systems that implement the tasks mentioned above toward solving the problem of detecting communities
    This feature enables users to create, share, and execute live code interactively. We use JupyterHub, which allows multiple users to use the Jupyter Notebook and manages a separate Jupyter environment for each user. The feature facilitates exploratory data analysis and visualization of code outputs. Furthermore, it is ideal for teaching and data science

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