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Projection-Cost-Preserving Sketches

In this note we illustrate how common matrix approximation methods, such as random projection and random sampling, yield projection-cost-preserving sketches, as introduced in [FSS13, CEM+15]. A projection-cost-preserving sketch is a matrix approximation which, for a given parameter k, approximately preserves the distance of the target matrix to all k-dimensional subspaces. Such sketches have applications to scalable algorithms for linear algebra, data science, and machine learning. Our goal is to simplify the presentation of proof techniques introduced in [CEM+15] and [CMM17] so that they can serve as a guide for future work. We also refer the reader to [CYD19], which gives a similar simpliļ¬ed exposition of the proof covered in Section 2.

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Cameron Musco, Christopher Musco (2025). Dataset: Projection-Cost-Preserving Sketches.

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Created January 3, 2025
Last update January 3, 2025
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Author Cameron Musco
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Christopher Musco