Hinglish Sentiment Analysis
A dataset of Hinglish text for code-mixed social media text for sentiment analysis -
Amazon Customer Reviews
NLI and review classification datasets used for character-level translation experiments -
Twitter Climate Change Sentiment Dataset
The Twitter Climate Change Sentiment Dataset contains labelled tweets pertaining to climate change, covering the time period from April 27, 2015, to February 21, 2018. -
The dataset is a collection of comments with homophobia and transphobia annotations, used for the task of homophobia and transphobia detection. -
A Hybrid Persian Sentiment Analysis Framework
Social media hold valuable, vast and unstructured information on public opinion that can be utilized to improve products and services. The automatic analysis of such data,... -
YOSM: A new Yorùbá Sentiment Corpus for Movie Reviews
A dataset for sentiment analysis of Yoruba movie reviews. -
Waseem and Hovy (2016) dataset
A dataset of 16,000 tweets, of which 3,383 tweets were sexist. -
SST-2 and IMDb
Stanford Sentiment Treebank Binary (SST-2) and Internet Movie Database (IMDb) datasets for sentiment classification. -
MonoAmazon and MultiAmazon datasets
The dataset used in the paper for sentiment analysis in cross-language and cross-domain settings. -
Weather Tweets Dataset
A manually labelled dataset of 124,360 weather tweets collected by Asiaee T. et al. (2012) as part of the "Dialogue Earth" project. -
CIDER: Context Informed Dictionary and sEmantic Reasoner
A new approach to sentiment analysis that takes context into account by combining the dictionaries generated by SocialSent with the scoring rules and base sentiment dictionary... -
Twitter Airline Data
Twitter Airline Data dataset contains sentiment values on a scale of 0-2. -
Internal Feedback Data (IFD)
Internal feedback data (IFD) gathered by the company on healthcare applications. IFD contains complaints and feedback collected from customers along with sentiment score... -
Movie reviews and Aggressive messages corpus
The dataset is a corpus of movie reviews and anonymous imageboard messages annotated with consideration of containing or not state of aggression. -
SPY ETF and StockTwits tweets dataset
The dataset on which this article is based are offered by [3]. The sources of information are: The financial time series of the SPDR S&P 500 ETF (SPY), a fund replicating... -
Yelp Reviews Polarity
The Yelp Reviews Polarity dataset contains 560k and 38k (in training and dev portion respectively) customer reviews in English from Yelp. -
SST-2, Irony, IronyB, TREC6, and SNIPS
The dataset used in this paper is SST-2, Irony, IronyB, TREC6, and SNIPS. -
Global Sentiment Analysis Of COVID-19 Tweets Over Time
Global Sentiment Analysis Of COVID-19 Tweets Over Time