23 datasets found

Groups: Text Classification

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  • SST-2, Irony, IronyB, TREC6, and SNIPS

    The dataset used in this paper is SST-2, Irony, IronyB, TREC6, and SNIPS.
  • Semeval-2016 Task 6: Detecting stance in tweets

    Semeval-2016 Task 6: Detecting stance in tweets.
  • Rotten Tomatoes

    The Rotten Tomatoes dataset has 5331 positive and 5331 negative review sentences.
  • IMDb Review Dataset

    The IMDb review dataset is used for positive generation task.
  • Amazon dataset

    The Amazon dataset is used to evaluate the performance of the proposed approach. It consists of 2000 users, 1500 items, 86690 reviews, 7219 number ratings, 3.6113 average number...
  • Sent140 dataset

    The dataset used in the paper is a real-world dataset for sentiment analysis.
  • Hatespeech

    The Hatespeech dataset is a collection of tweets containing lexicons used in hate speech.
  • Tweet Sentiment Extraction

    The Tweet Sentiment Extraction dataset contains positive, negative, and neutral tweets with human-annotated rationales.
  • Movie Reviews

    The Movie Reviews dataset contains positive and negative movie reviews with rationales annotated by humans to support classification.
  • IMDb Reviews

    The dataset consists of 25000 reviews from IMDb.
  • DynaSent

    The DynaSent dataset contains approximately 122,000 sentences, each labeled as positive, neutral, or negative.
  • Yelp Review Dataset

    The Yelp review dataset contains hotel and restaurant reviews filtered (spam) and recommended (legitimate) by Yelp.
  • TFDS

    Text dataset for text classification and sentiment analysis tasks.
  • News

    The News dataset consists of 5000 randomly sampled news articles from the NY Times corpus. It simulates the opinions of media consumers on news items. The units are different...
  • Yelp Dataset

    The Yelp Dataset contains 1.6M reviews and 500K tips by 366K users for 61K businesses; 481K business attributes, such as hours, parking availability, ambience; and check-ins for...
  • Polarity

    The dataset used for sentiment analysis and topic classification tasks.
  • Yelp Dataset Challenge

    The Yelp dataset challenge contains reviews and images of restaurants, with the goal of recommending images for each review.
  • The pushshift reddit dataset

    The pushshift reddit dataset
  • IMDB dataset

    The IMDB dataset is a polarity dataset for sentiment analysis or text classification, it contains 50000 sentences and their binary class labels, being either "Positive" or...
  • SST-2

    The dataset used for the experiments across ten models– ranging from bag-of-words models to pre-trained transformers– and find that a model having higher AUC does not necessarily...