26 datasets found

Tags: Instance Segmentation

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  • Pseudo-mask Augmented Object Detection

    The proposed approach is validated using various state-of-the-art network architectures (VGG and ResNet) on several well-known object detection benchmarks (i.e., PASCAL VOC 2007...
  • OpenImages dataset V6

    The OpenImages dataset V6 contains images with annotations for object detection and instance segmentation tasks.

    The SUNRGB-D dataset features 5,285 training and 5,050 test samples from multiple RGB-D cameras. The dataset provides annotations for the first 37 NYUv2 semantic classes and for...
  • Microsoft COCO: common objects in images

    Microsoft COCO: common objects in images.
  • COCO object detection and instance segmentation, ADE20K semantic segmentation

    The dataset used in the paper is the COCO object detection and instance segmentation dataset, and the ADE20K semantic segmentation dataset.
  • COCO 2014

    The COCO 2014 validation set is used for evaluating the performance of the proposed method.
  • MS COCO 2017

    The dataset used in this paper is a collection of frames for video coding, with different Quantisation Parameters (QPs) and frame types.
  • Mask R-CNN

    The dataset used in this paper for training and testing the KAISA optimizer framework.
  • LVIS v1.0

    LVIS is a large-vocabulary object detection and instance segmentation dataset.
  • ImageNet-1K and MS COCO

    The dataset used in the paper is ImageNet-1K and MS COCO.

    The COCO-LT dataset is a long-tail version of the COCO dataset.
  • Cityscapes Panoptic Segmentation

    The Cityscapes dataset consists of 8 thing classes and 11 stuff classes.
  • NYUv2

    Multi-task learning (MTL) research is broadly divided into two categories: one is to learn the correlation between tasks through model structures, and the other is to balance...
  • COCO test-dev

    The COCO test-dev dataset is used for instance segmentation. It contains 20k test-dev images.
  • SemanticPOSS

    A point cloud dataset with large quantity of dynamic instances, consisting of 2,988 real-world scans with point-level annotations.
  • MS COCO 2014

    Vehicle detection in real-time is a challenging and important task. The existing real-time vehicle detection lacks accuracy and speed. Real-time systems must detect and locate...
  • Pascal VOC

    Semantic segmentation is a crucial and challenging task for image understanding. It aims to predict a dense labeling map for the input image, which assigns each pixel a unique...
  • COCO 2017

    Object detection is one of the most foundational computer vision task and is essential for many real-world applications. The object detection pipeline has been developed...
  • COCO Dataset

    The COCO dataset is a large-scale dataset for object detection, semantic segmentation, and captioning. It contains 80 object categories and 1,000 image instances per category,...
  • COCO2017

    The COCO2017 dataset is used for the trainability experiment, which includes 47,429 images with 210,893 objects.