Private Clinical CMR Dataset
A private clinical CMR dataset with patient’s consent. -
MyoPS dataset
The dataset used in the paper is the MyoPS dataset, which provides three-sequence Cardiac Magnetic Resonance (LGE, T2 and C0) and three anatomy masks, including myocardium... -
Myocardial pathology segmentation (MyoPS) dataset
The Myocardial pathology segmentation (MyoPS) dataset is a multi-sequence CMR dataset that contains in total 25 volumes and 102 slices in the training set. -
ACDC Challenge
Deep learning techniques for automatic MRI cardiac multi-structures segmentation and diagnosis: Is the problem solved? -
ACDC and M&Ms datasets
The dataset used for cardiac MRI segmentation -
MSU-Net: Multiscale Statistical U-Net for Real-time 3D Cardiac MRI Video Segm...
Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) videos are expected to be segmented on-the-fly in real practice. However, existing segmentation methods would suffer from drastic accuracy... -
Variational manifold learning from incomplete data: Application to multislice...
Multislice free-breathing and ungated cardiac MRI data -
UK Biobank dataset
The UK Biobank dataset consists of SAX and LAX cine CMR images of normal subjects. Cardiac structures, LV cavity (LVC), LV myocardium (LVM), and right-ventricle cavity (RVC)... -
CMRxRecon cardiac cine dataset
The CMRxRecon cardiac cine dataset comprises 473 scans of 4D multi-coil (nc = 10) fully-sampled k-space acquisitions, split into training (203 scans), validation (111 scans),...