Turin Vehicular traffic simulation
Vehicular traffic simulation in the city of turin from raw data -
Monaco SUMO traffic scenario
Towards multimodal mobility simulation of C-ITS: The Monaco SUMO traffic scenario -
Luxembourg SUMO Traffic (LuST) Scenario
Luxembourg SUMO Traffic (LuST) Scenario: Traffic Demand Evaluation -
highD dataset
The highD dataset is a real-world high-definition video dataset of naturalistic vehicle trajectories on German highways. -
Differentiable Hybrid Traffic Simulation
A novel differentiable hybrid traffic simulator, which simulates traffic using a hybrid model of both macroscopic and microscopic models and can be directly integrated into a... -
Modified cell transmission model
Modified cell transmission model (MCTM) for traffic simulation. -
Real-World Driving Dataset
The dataset used in this paper is a real-world driving dataset, which is used to evaluate the performance of the proposed traffic scene generation framework. -
Language-Guided Traffic Simulation via Scene-Level Diffusion
Realistic and controllable traffic simulation is a core capability that is necessary to accelerate autonomous vehicle (AV) development. -
NGSIM dataset
The dataset used in this paper is a set of real-world traffic trajectory data, which is used to evaluate the performance of the proposed safety-critical traffic control (STC)... -
The TrafficGen dataset is a collection of traffic scenarios generated using a generative model. -
Bi-Level Imitation Learning System
The Bi-Level Imitation Learning System (BITS) is a model that utilizes a two-tiered imitation learning strategy for traffic prediction tasks. -
Conditional Traffic Generation
The Conditional Traffic Generation (CTG) model is a state-of-the-art model for controllable traffic simulation.