Data-driven Instruction Augmentation for Language-conditioned Control
Data-driven Instruction Augmentation for Language-conditioned Control (DIAL) is a method that uses pre-trained vision-language models (VLMs) to label offline datasets for... -
Vision-and-Language Navigation
The Vision-and-Language Navigation (VLN) task gives a global natural sentence I = {w0,..., wl} as an instruction, where wi is a word token while the l is the length of the... -
ARS: Augmented Reality Semi-automatic-labeling
Two novel datasets are created using the ARS pipeline, one on electromechanical components (industrial scenario) and one on fruits (daily-living scenario). -
A synthetic dataset of shoes for training and testing the proposed method. -
A unified object-centric implicit representation that can be used for RGB and depth novel view rendering, 3D reconstruction, and proposing stable grasps. -
MobileDepth: Efficient Monocular Depth Prediction on Mobile Devices
Depth prediction is fundamental for many useful applications on computer vision and robotic systems. On mobile phones, the performance of some useful applications as augmented... -
Oxford RobotCar Dataset
The Oxford RobotCar Dataset is a collection of images and videos of a car driving on various roads and conditions. -
Simulation Testing Environment
The dataset used for training and testing the direct regression model, sparse correspondence model, and dense correspondence model. -
Learning Eye-in-Hand Camera Calibration from a Single Image
The dataset used for learning-based methods for online eye-in-hand camera calibration from a single RGB image. -
PhotoBot: Reference-Guided Interactive Photography via Natural Language
PhotoBot is a framework for fully automated photo acquisition based on an interplay between high-level human language guidance and a robot photographer. -
Sunny Test Dataset
The Sunny Test Dataset is used for testing, it contains 2114 images from nine distinct rooms. -
Night Test Dataset
The Night Test Dataset is used for testing, it contains 2707 images from nine distinct rooms. -
Cloudy Test Dataset
The Cloudy Test Dataset is used for testing, it contains 2595 images from nine distinct rooms. -
Validation Dataset
The Validation Dataset is used for validation, it contains 1428 images from nine distinct rooms. -
Baseline Training Dataset
The Baseline Training Dataset is used for training the CNN model, it contains 556 images from nine distinct rooms. -
COLD Freiburg Database
The COLD Freiburg Database contains omnidirectional images captured by a robot which follows various paths within a building at Freiburg University. -
GraspNet-1Billion is a large-scale real-world grasping dataset containing 190 cluttered grasping scenes and 97,280 RGB-D images captured by 2 kinds of RGB-D cameras from 256...