Visual and Semantic Similarity in ImageNet
This dataset is used to evaluate the performance of a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) on the ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge (ILSVRC2012). -
Training Convolutional Networks with Web Images
This dataset is used to train a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to classify objects from web images. The dataset is created by downloading images from the web using a query... -
PETA (Pose Estimation and Tracking for ASIST)
A dataset for pose estimation and tracking for ASIST system -
Video-MNIST is a novel variant of the classic MNIST dataset. It contains 70000 sequences, each sequence containing 30 frames showing an affine transformation on a single... -
Fashion-MNIST, MNIST, SVHN, dSprites, and CIFAR-10
The dataset used in the paper is Fashion-MNIST, MNIST, SVHN, dSprites, and CIFAR-10. -
Sliding Window ConvNet dataset
The dataset used in this paper is a sliding window ConvNet dataset, which is a collection of 3D images and their corresponding labels. -
3D ConvNet dataset
The dataset used in this paper is a 3D ConvNet dataset, which is a collection of 3D images and their corresponding labels. -
NYU-Depth V2
The NYU-Depth V2 dataset contains pairs of RGB and depth images collected from Microsoft Kinect in 464 indoor scenes. -
MIT Indoor Scene Recognition
The MIT Indoor Scene Recognition dataset contains 67 categories of indoor scenes. -
Occlusion LineMOD
The dataset used in the paper for 6Dof object pose estimation using RGB-D images. -
FFB6D: A Full Flow Bidirectional Fusion Network for 6D Pose Estimation
A Full Flow Bidirectional Fusion Network for 6D Pose Estimation from a single RGBD image -
Patient Data
A dataset of patient data for evaluating the performance of the proposed method. -
Phantom Data
The dataset is used to test the performance of the machine learning model for strain estimation and frame selection in ultrasound elastography. -
AAA Dataset
A dataset of pre-operative 3D CT scans and corresponding intra-operative 2D fluoroscopic images of AAA. -
Multi-label Transformer
The proposed Multi-label Transformer architecture is designed for multi-label image classification, combining pixel attention and cross-window attention to better excavate the... -
Dog StyleGAN2-ADA
Progress in GANs has enabled the generation of high-res-olution photorealistic images of astonishing quality. StyleGANs allow for compelling attribute modification on such... -
AnimalFace StyleGAN2-ADA
Progress in GANs has enabled the generation of high-res-olution photorealistic images of astonishing quality. StyleGANs allow for compelling attribute modification on such... -
The dataset used in the paper is not explicitly mentioned, but it is implied to be ImageNet-R/A/Sk for ImageNet-R/A/Sk classification. -
The dataset used in the paper is not explicitly mentioned, but it is implied to be ImageNet-C/C for ImageNet-C/C classification.