7 datasets found

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  • Internet Loan dataset

    The Internet Loan dataset contains information about applicants for internet loans, including credit card information, shopping history, mobile phone bills, credit reports, and...
  • Australian Credit dataset

    The dataset used in this paper is the Australian Credit dataset.
  • Credit Default Dataset

    The dataset used in the paper is a graph dataset, where each node represents a person and each edge represents a connection between two people. The dataset is used to evaluate...
  • German Credit data

    The dataset used in the paper for numeric data generation and classification.
  • German Credit Dataset

    The German credit dataset is a dataset used for classification tasks, and it contains sensitive attributes such as credit history.
  • German dataset

    The dataset used in this paper is the German dataset, which is a real-world UCI Machine Learning dataset extracted from a German bank for default prediction.
  • German Credit

    Each node is a client in a German bank, while each edge between any two clients represents that they bear similar credit accounts. Here the gender of bank clients is considered...