Cryptocurrency data
The dataset consists of historical prices of 19 popular cryptocurrencies. -
Cryptocurrency Equilibria Through Game Theory
The dataset used in the paper to model the equilibria of cryptocurrencies through game theory. -
Binance Price-Volume Data
Price-volume data from the popular cryptocurrency exchange binance.com, focusing on the BTCUSDT pair. Data for other pairs such as ETHUSDT and ADAUSDT can also be obtained for... -
Binance OHLCV data
OHLCV data from the popular cryptocurrency exchange binance.com, focusing on the BTCUSDT pair. Data for other pairs such as ETHUSDT and ADAUSDT can also be obtained for... -
Pricing cryptocurrencies: Modelling the ETHBTC spot-quotient variation as a d...
The ETHBTC Spot-quotient variation is calculated using the formula: ln (ETHBTC [ i])−ln (ETHUSDT [i]/BTCUSDT [i])