Blue Cloak LLC Headquarters Network Traffic Data
Dataset used for training and testing the CAMLPAD system -
WannaLaugh: A Configurable Ransomware Emulator
This paper introduces a configurable ransomware emulator designed to generate IO traces in a safe and controlled environment. -
Electric Vehicle Charging Dataset
The dataset used in this paper is a simulation case study on cyberattack scenarios on a plug-in electric-vehicle (PEV) through the electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) at... -
Machine Learning and Deep Learning Methods for Cybersecurity
Machine learning and deep learning methods for cybersecurity -
The Procedure+ dataset is a collection of threat reports from CTI sources, with a focus on procedures. -
LANL dataset
The LANL dataset consists of over one billion log lines collected over 58 consecutive days. The logs contain anonymized process, network flow, DNS, and authentication information. -
The CICIDS2017 dataset was collected 2 years after the UNSW NB-15 data. The collection took place for a week. On each day attacks such as: Brute Force FTP, Brute Force SSH, DoS,... -
Testing Data set
The dataset used for testing the autoencoder-based false data injection attack detector. -
Training Data set
The dataset used for training the autoencoder-based false data injection attack detector. -
IEEE 118-bus system
The IEEE 118-bus system dataset is used to test the proposed reinforcement learning-based mitigation strategy for Multi-Stage Cascading Failure problem. -
Cyber Threat Intelligence for Secure Smart City
The proposed hybrid DL model uses CNN and QRNN models to classify threats in smart cities. -
Dependable Intrusion Detection System for IoT: A Deep Transfer Learning-based...
The proposed deep transfer learning-based dependable IDS model uses a deep transfer learning-based residual neural network (P-ResNet) IDS that can train efficiently using only a...