MultiStain-CycleGAN dataset
The dataset used in this paper consists of whole slide images from five different medical centers, digitized with three different scanners. -
CAMELYON 17 Challenge dataset
The CAMELYON 17 Challenge dataset consists of whole slide images originating from five different medical centers, digitized with three different scanners. -
Mitosis Detection Dataset
The dataset used for mitosis detection in breast cancer histology images with deep neural networks. -
Breast Cancer Segmentation Dataset
The dataset used for automatic glandular and tubule region segmentation in histological grading of breast cancer. -
Tubule Segmentation Dataset
The dataset used for tubule segmentation of inhomogeneity images based on convolutional neural networks with fluorescence microscopy correction. -
ISBI 2014 Dataset
The dataset used for invasive ductal carcinoma detection in whole slide images. -
ISBI 2017 Dataset
The dataset used for lymphoma classification, IDC detection, nuclei segmentation, epithelium segmentation, tubule segmentation, lymphocyte detection, and mitosis detection. -
A custom pipeline (histo-fetch) to efficiently extract random patches and labels from pathology whole slide images (WSIs) for input to a neural network on-the-fly.