AIDA BRLN dataset
The dataset used for testing the attention-based MIL algorithm for digital pathology. -
Camelyon dataset
The dataset used for training and testing the attention-based MIL algorithm for digital pathology. -
Quality control stress test for deep learning-based diagnostic model in digit...
Quality control stress test for deep learning-based diagnostic model in digital pathology. -
Heart Failure
The dataset is used for digital pathology and contains histology data from various sources. -
BRACS: A Dataset for BReAst Carcinoma Subtyping
A large cohort of annotated Hematoxylin & Eosin (H&E)-stained images to advance the characterization of breast lesions. -
OpenHI2 - Open source histopathological image platform
OpenHI2 is an open-source histopathological image platform that supports basic pathological tasks and file formats. -
Atlas of Digital Pathology (ADP)
The Atlas of Digital Pathology (ADP) dataset is a collection of histopathological images from different organs, annotated at the patch level. -
MultiStain-CycleGAN dataset
The dataset used in this paper consists of whole slide images from five different medical centers, digitized with three different scanners. -
CAMELYON 17 Challenge dataset
The CAMELYON 17 Challenge dataset consists of whole slide images originating from five different medical centers, digitized with three different scanners. -
Whole Slide Images for Region of Interest Detection
Whole Slide Images (WSIs) of patients from a public hospital pathology service in Western Australia -
MoNuSeg dataset
The MoNuSeg dataset is published for the Multi-organ Nuclei Segmentation challenge in MICCAI 2018. The training dataset consists of 30 images generated from multiple organs... -
Molecular and Cellular Oncology (MCO) and The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) data...
Hematoxylin and eosin-stained whole-slide images from Molecular and Cellular Oncology and The Cancer Genome Atlas were used as training and external validation datasets. -
Breast Cancer Whole Slide Images
A dataset of 624 whole slide images (WSIs) of breast cancer from a Norwegian cohort. -
Bergen cohort
The Norwegian Lung Cancer Biobank (NLCB) cohort and the Bergen cohort were used to create the proposed model. The NLCB cohort includes histopathological, cytological, biomarker,... -
Norwegian Lung Cancer Biobank (NLCB) and Bergen cohort
The Norwegian Lung Cancer Biobank (NLCB) cohort and the Bergen cohort were used to create the proposed model. The NLCB cohort includes histopathological, cytological, biomarker,... -
Mitosis Detection Dataset
The dataset used for mitosis detection in breast cancer histology images with deep neural networks. -
Breast Cancer Segmentation Dataset
The dataset used for automatic glandular and tubule region segmentation in histological grading of breast cancer. -
Tubule Segmentation Dataset
The dataset used for tubule segmentation of inhomogeneity images based on convolutional neural networks with fluorescence microscopy correction.