Automatic extraction of personal events from dialogue
Automatic extraction of personal events from dialogue. -
ACE 2005 dataset
This dataset is used for event extraction and contains a large amount of text data. -
Chinese Event Extraction Dataset
The Chinese Event Extraction Dataset is used to train EE modular, and News Recommendation Dataset is our target recommendation dataset. -
The Event Storyline Corpus: A New Benchmark for Causal and Temporal Relation ...
The EventStoryLine corpus contains 22 topics, 258 documents, 4,316 sentences, 5,334 event mentions, a total of 54,326 event pairs. -
Resume, CoNLL-2004, FewFC
Resume for NER; CoNLL-2004 for RE; FewFC for EE -
eMFD Corpus
eMFD: a dataset for event extraction, consisting of 10,331 event annotations on 261 news articles. -
MOKA: Moral Knowledge Augmentation for Moral Event Extraction
MORAL EVENTS: a new dataset for moral event extraction, consisting of 5,494 structured event annotations on 474 news articles by diverse US media across the political spectrum. -
Labeled Dataset for Event Extracting of Divorce Cases
The dataset is used for training and testing the proposed two-round-labeling event extracting strategy and the Judicial Intelligent Assistant system. The dataset contains 3100...