Emoji prediction and occupation classification
Two binary classification tasks with binary protected attributes: emoji prediction and occupation classification. -
A Novel Approach to Fairness in Automated Decision-Making
A dataset for measuring affective normalization of outcome mappings. -
Language Agency Classification (LAC) Dataset
Language Agency Classification (LAC) dataset for training accurate language agency classifiers. -
Language Agency Bias Evaluation (LABE)
Language Agency Bias Evaluation (LABE) framework to systematically and comprehensively measure gender, racial, and intersectional biases in language agency across a wide scope... -
Differences in Fairness Preferences
A crowdsourced dataset for studying differences in fairness preferences depending on demographic identities. -
FAIRBELIEF is a language-agnostic analytical approach to capture and assess beliefs embedded in LMs. -
BIOS dataset
The BIOS dataset is a biography classification dataset with 28 profession classes and 4 intersectional demographic groups (male-wealthy, male-rest, female-wealthy, female-rest). -
FairDiff: Fair Segmentation with Point-Image Diffusion
Fairness is an important topic for medical image analysis, driven by the challenge of unbalanced training data among diverse target groups and the societal demand for equitable...