Cryptocurrency Market Data
The dataset used in this paper is the first 100 leading cryptocurrencies, which in aggregated terms account for nearly 96% of total cryptocurrency's market capitalization. -
SPY ETF Historical Volatility
Historical Volatility of Underlying SPY ETF -
Treasury Rates 2015-2016
Average Treasury rates from 2015-2016 -
Actively Traded SPY Options
Descriptive statistics of actively traded SPY options -
SPY Options Descriptive Statistics
Descriptive statistics of options written on SPY (EOD) from 01/02/15 - 12/30/16 -
SPY Options Data
End-of-day (EOD) historical options data written on the SPDR S&P 500 Trust ETF (SPY) over the last two years (01/02/2015 – 12/30/2016) was collected from data service...