Stock Price Prediction using Principle Components
The dataset used in this paper is daily stock price values for General Electric company and five other companies. -
Crude Oil Prices Dataset
The dataset used in the paper is a real-world dataset of daily crude oil prices. -
Financial datasets
The datasets are described as follows: Mackey-Glass chaotic time series [19]; the Sunspot data set [20]; eight financial time series. -
Repo Curves, Equity Implied Volatility Surfaces and At-the-Money Swaption Imp...
Repo curves data, equity implied volatility surfaces and at-the-money swaption implied volatilities -
Chinese A-share stock market data
The dataset used in this paper is a collection of financial time series data, including daily open price, high price, low price, close price, and trading volume. -
Test dataset
A dataset of 200 samples with 1283 resolution, generated using VGrain software with a regularity of 0.73 and uniform random orientation