Burgers equation
Synthetic data set of the Burgers equation ut = νuxx − uux, with a delta peak initial condition u(x, t = 0) = Aδ(x) and domain t ∈ [0.1, 1.1], x ∈ [−3, 4]. -
Unsteady Fluid Flows
The dataset used in this paper for reduced order modeling of unsteady fluid flows. -
Navier-Stokes equations
The dataset used in the paper is a collection of Navier-Stokes equations, which are solved on a regular grid with periodic boundary conditions. -
Shallow water equations
The dataset used in the paper is a collection of shallow water equations, which are solved on a regular grid with periodic boundary conditions. -
Turbulent Flow Dataset
The dataset for the experiments comes from two dimensional turbulent flow simulated using the Lattice Boltzmann Method. The dataset consists of 1500 images of velocity fields,... -
Mori-Zwanzig latent space Koopman closure for Non-Linear Autoencoder
The dataset used in this paper is a collection of snapshots of the velocity field of the flow around a cylinder. The dataset is used to test the Mori-Zwanzig latent space... -
Thermodynamics-informed super-resolution of scarce temporal dynamics data
The dataset used in this paper is a set of low-resolution velocity and pressure fields for a flow past a cylinder of a non-Newtonian fluid, generated using in-silico simulations. -
PARTICLES: 3D Particles in a Turbulent Flow
PARTICLES: 3D Particles in a Turbulent Flow dataset. -
PROPELLER: Flow Simulation Exploration
PROPELLER: Flow Simulation Exploration dataset. -
Minimal Flow Unit (MFU) dataset
The dataset is a 3D turbulent flow with extreme events, specifically the Minimal Flow Unit (MFU) with quasi-relaminarization events. -
BFS simulation trajectories
The dataset used in this work is a collection of snapshots describing the evolution of two-component velocity fields in a cropped mesh of a backward-facing step (BFS)... -
Extreme Vortex-Airfoil Interactions
Extreme aerodynamic data for vortex-airfoil interactions -
Flow Prediction Datasets
The dataset contains three challenging scenarios for flow prediction: incompressible and transonic flows, as well as isotropic turbulence. -
T106 Turbine Stator
The T106 turbine stator under periodic wake impact is a complex turbulent flow case. -
Flow around a Cylinder
The flow around a cylinder is a widely used test case for fluid dynamics, characterized by a Kármán vortex street. -
2D Kolmogorov Flow
The 2D Kolmogorov Flow dataset is a 2D turbulent flow simulation dataset. -
Fluid Flow
The dataset used in the paper is not explicitly described, but it is mentioned that it is a comprehensive set of possible states of the environment.