Gait dataset
The dataset contains time-continuous kine-matic (full-body joint angles) and kinetic (ground reaction forces) gait patterns from 57 healthy subjects. -
Gaitboter dataset
Gait analysis dataset using inertial and film-pressure sensors -
Gait Analysis with a Single RGB Camera and a Mobile Tele-robot
A dataset for gait analysis using a single RGB camera and a mobile tele-robot for healthcare -
Edinburgh Locomotion MOCAP Database
The Edinburgh Locomotion MOCAP Database is a dataset of human motion captured using motion capture technology. -
Emotion-Gait (E-Gait) dataset consists of 2, 177 real gaits and 1, 000 synthetic gaits each of the 4 emotion classes generated by STEP-Gen, for a total of 3, 177 gaits. The...