9 datasets found

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  • CMATERdb 3.1.3

    The proposed genetic algorithm based approach is tested on three publicly available multiple datasets of Bangla scripts.
  • CMATERdb 3.1.2

    The proposed genetic algorithm based approach is tested on three publicly available multiple datasets of Bangla scripts.
  • ISIBanglaDigit

    The proposed genetic algorithm based approach is tested on three publicly available multiple datasets of Bangla scripts.
  • Local Dataset

    The local dataset consists of 4320 characters and has upper and lowercase English alphabets, along with numerical digits.
  • Chars74K

    The dataset consists of 7705 characters and has upper and lowercase English alphabets, along with numerical digits.
  • Omniglot dataset

    The Omniglot dataset consists of 100 classes, each containing 20 images. Ten images were taken from each class for augmentation, and the rest were used as the test set. Each...
  • BanglaLekha Isolated Dataset

    The dataset Im going to be using for this problem is the BanglaLekha Isolated Dataset.

    Binary images are simple — two possible pixel-valued signals with a single channel. The simplicity of binary images has a significant advantage compared to colored and gray...

    The CASIA-HWDB dataset contains 3.9 million images of isolated characters that belong to 7356 classes.