TECNICK image dataset
The TECNICK image dataset is a collection of images used for testing image compression algorithms. -
CLIC image dataset
The CLIC image dataset is a collection of images used for testing image compression algorithms. -
Kodak PhotoCD image dataset
The Kodak PhotoCD image dataset is a collection of images used for testing image compression algorithms. -
JointIQ-Net: A Novel End-to-End Learning Scheme for Image Compression and Qua...
The proposed JointIQ-Net is a novel end-to-end learning scheme for image compression and quality enhancement. -
CLIC intra coding challenge 2021, TECNICK dataset, DIV2K dataset
The dataset used in the paper is a combination of the CLIC intra coding challenge 2021, the TECNICK dataset, and the DIV2K dataset. -
DIV2K, Flickr2K, and CLIC datasets
The dataset used in the paper for neural image compression. -
CIC 2020: Challenge on Learned Image Compression
The CIC 2020 dataset is a collection of images with different compression methods. -
Manga109 dataset
Manga109 dataset is a benchmark for Single Image Super-Resolution (SISR) tasks. It contains 109 manga images with randomly selected reference images. -
Urban100 dataset
The Urban100 dataset is a benchmark for image denoising, containing 100 images with varying levels of noise. -
BSDS500 dataset
The dataset used in this paper is the BSDS500 dataset, which contains 200 natural images with over 1000 ground truth labellings. -
Frequency-Aware Re-Parameterization for Over-Fitting Based Image Compression
Over-fitting based image compression requires weights compactness for compression and fast convergence for practical use, posing challenges for deep convolutional neural... -
TMAE-Enhanced Compression
The dataset used in the paper is not explicitly described. However, it is mentioned that the authors used a transformer-masked autoencoder (TMAE) to enhance data compression in... -
Toward Joint Image Generation and Compression using Generative Adversarial Ne...
The proposed framework generates JPEG compressed images using generative adversarial networks. -
PILC: Practical Image Lossless Compression with an End-to-end GPU Oriented Ne...
Generative model based image lossless compression algorithms have seen a great success in improving compression ratio. However, the throughput for most of them is less than 1... -
Neural Joint Source-Channel Coding
The dataset used in the paper for neural joint source-channel coding. -
Malaria Cell Images Dataset
Malaria Cell Images Dataset -
CLIC Compression Challenge Professional Dataset
The dataset used in the paper is the CLIC Compression Challenge Professional Dataset. -
KITTI Stereo 2012 and 2015
KITTI Stereo 2012 and 2015 dataset. -
Neural Distributed Image Compression using Common Information
Neural distributed image compression using common information. -
Deep Image Compression using Decoder Side Information
Deep image compression using decoder side information.