Sampling Matters in Deep Embedding Learning
Deep embeddings answer one simple question: How similar are two images? Learning these embeddings is the bedrock of verification, zero-shot learning, and visual search. -
Investigating the Vision Transformer Model for Image Retrieval Tasks
The paper introduces a plug-and-play descriptor that can be effectively adopted for image retrieval tasks without prior initialization or preparation. -
Evaluation of gist descriptors for web-scale image search
The dataset used in the paper is a benchmark for image retrieval. -
Holidays dataset
The Holidays dataset is used for testing the performance of the HAE on visual feature translation. -
MultiGrain is a network architecture producing compact vector representations that are suited both for image classification and particular object retrieval. -
Stanford Online Products
The Stanford Online Products (SOP) dataset contains 120,053 product images covering 22,634 categories. The training set is composed of 59,551 images of the first 11,318... -
SketchyCOCO: A large-scale scene sketch dataset with fine-grained alignment among sketch, text, and photo. -
CUB200, Cars-196, and Stanford Online Products
The dataset used for experiments on generic image retrieval, person re-identification, and low-shot semantic segmentation. -
RobotCar Seasons
RobotCar Seasons dataset is a revision of the Oxford RobotCar dataset, which features both short-term and long-term environment evolutions, and therefore different conditions.... -
Deepfashion: Powering robust clothes recognition and retrieval with rich annotations. -
YouTube dataset
The dataset used in the paper is a large-scale graph dataset, consisting of users and shows with multi-attribute edges. The graph is constructed by selecting user IDs and side... -
The Products-10K dataset is a large-scale image retrieval dataset, containing images of products from an e-commerce website. -
Google Landmarks 2020 Dataset
The Google Landmarks 2020 Dataset is a large-scale image retrieval dataset, containing images of landmarks from around the world. -
GUIE Challenge
The Google Universal Image Embedding (GUIE) Challenge dataset is a large-scale image retrieval dataset, covering a wide distribution of objects: landmarks, artwork, food, etc.