A Wideband Distributed Massive MIMO Channel Sounder
A channel sounder for distributed massive MIMO based on the NI USRP X410. -
DeepMIMO dataset
The DeepMIMO dataset is used to obtain channel realizations. This dataset considers the outdoor ray-tracing scenario ‘O1’. The parameters of this set are listed in Table I. -
Cross-Polarized Uniform Planar Array (UPA) with 8x4 Antennas
The dataset used in this paper is a cross-polarized uniform planar array (UPA) with 8x4 antennas. -
Realistic Directional Multi-path Model
The dataset used in this paper is a realistic multipath channel model, which takes into account 3D propagation and polarization effects. -
Experimental evaluation of ambient backscatter communications with massive MI...
Experimental evaluation of ambient backscatter communications with massive MIMO reader -
Channel Estimation with Mixed Resolution RF Chains
The dataset is used for channel estimation in massive MIMO systems with mixed resolution RF chains. -
Malicious RIS versus Massive MIMO
This dataset is used to study an attack that leverages a reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS) to induce harmful interference toward multiple users in massive multiple-input... -
Energy Efficient Power Allocation in Massive MIMO Systems
The proposed energy efficient power allocation scheme for a massive MIMO system. Users are divided into two groups. The first group are users who are close to BS and the second... -
Blind Downlink Channel Estimation
The dataset used in this paper for blind downlink channel estimation in a multi-cell Massive MIMO system. -
Massive MIMO Downlink Channel Estimation
The dataset used in this paper for downlink channel estimation in a multi-cell Massive MIMO system. -
All-digital mmWave massive MIMO with per-antenna nonlinearities
The dataset used in this paper is a simulation dataset for all-digital mmWave massive MIMO with per-antenna nonlinearities. -
Dynamic Metasurface Antennas for 6G
The dataset used in this paper for Dynamic Metasurface Antennas for 6G wireless communications. -
QuaDRiGa channel datasets
The QuaDRiGa channel datasets are used to evaluate the performance of the proposed autoencoder KD-based lightweight method for CSI feedback. -
Deep Learning Based DOA Estimation for Hybrid Massive MIMO Receive Array with...
The proposed CDAE-DNN is used for DOA estimation for hybrid massive MIMO receive array with overlapped subarray (OSA) architecture.