6 datasets found

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  • Dataset 1

    The dataset consists of records of 52 first year students who completed the undergraduate engineering course (out of 115 registered students) at the University of Genoa.
  • COP Dynamics Dataset

    The dataset used in the study on the effects of motor imagery on Center of Pressure (COP) dynamics.
  • Macau SSVEP dataset

    The dataset used for EEG signal decoding, featuring motor imagery (MI) and steady-state visual evoked potential (SSVEP) tasks.
  • PhysioNet MI and Macau SSVEP datasets

    The dataset used for EEG signal decoding, featuring motor imagery (MI) and steady-state visual evoked potential (SSVEP) tasks.
  • OpenBMI dataset

    The OpenBMI dataset is a large benchmark containing 2 sessions of 2-class MI-EEG data (left hand, right hand) from 54 right-handed healthy subjects.
  • EEG-fNIRS dataset for Motor Imagery

    The dataset used in the study consists of EEG and fNIRS recordings from 29 healthy subjects performing left and right-hand MI tasks.