Multi-label output codes using canonical correlation analysis
Multi-label output codes using canonical correlation analysis. -
Lift: Multi-label learning with label-specific features
Lift: Multi-label learning with label-specific features. -
Large-scale multi-label learning with missing labels
Large-scale multi-label learning with missing labels. -
Privileged Multi-Label Learning
This paper presents privileged multi-label learning (PrML) to explore and exploit the relationship between labels in multi-label learning problems. -
Online Boosting Algorithms for Multi-label Ranking
We consider the multi-label ranking approach to multi-label learning. Boosting is a natural method for multi-label ranking as it aggregates weak predictions through majority... -
A Unified View of Multi-Label Performance Measures
Multi-label classification deals with the problem where each instance is associated with multiple class labels. -
Speedup matrix completion with side information: application to multi-label l...
The dataset used in this paper is a multi-label learning dataset, which is used to test the proposed algorithm for multi-label learning. -
Synthetic dataset for infinite-label learning
The dataset used in the paper is a synthetic dataset for infinite-label learning. It consists of 500 training data points and 1000 testing data points from a five-component... -
OpenImagesv5: A large-scale dataset for multi-label image classification. -
Large-scale vision-and-language models trained on curated and web-scrapped data have led to significant improvements over task-specific models when transferred to downstream...