Swimmer Data Set
The authors used the swimmer data set, a widely used data set for benchmarking NMF algorithms. -
SalientSleepNet: Multimodal Salient Wave Detection Network for Sleep Staging
Sleep staging is fundamental for sleep assessment and disease diagnosis. The proposed model can simultaneously capture the salient features of multimodal data and multi-scale... -
Simultaneously-collected multimodal lying pose dataset
Simultaneously-collected multimodal lying pose dataset for in-bed human pose monitoring under adverse vision conditions. -
Multimodal Single-Cell Data
Multimodal single-cell data of 11,909 blood cells -
nuScenes: A multimodal dataset for autonomous driving
nuScenes: A multimodal dataset for autonomous driving. -
Directed Chain Generative Adversarial Networks
Real-world data can be multimodal distributed, e.g., data describing the opinion divergence in a community, the interspike interval distribution of neurons, and the oscillators’... -
Glioma dataset
The glioma dataset contains histopathologcial images, genomic and clinical data from TCGA-LGG and TCGA-GBM projects. The dataset is used for cancer prognosis prediction.