5 datasets found

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  • Generated Dataset

    The dataset is generated from the following model: X1:10, Y1:10 ∼ Uniform(0, 1), S ∼ Multinomial(2, Normal((1/2)X1, (1/2)X2)), Z | X, Y, S ∼ Uniform(0, X) Uniform(X, Z)

    A multivariate time-series dataset that consists of hourly occupancy rates of lanes in San Francisco.
  • Motor

    A multivariate time-series dataset that consists of temporal features and spatial features.
  • Mixture of gaussians, MNIST digits, and UCI HAR dataset

    The dataset used in the paper is a mixture of gaussians, MNIST digits, and UCI HAR dataset.
  • Adult dataset

    A commonly observed pattern in machine learning models is an underprediction of the target feature, with the model’s predicted target rate for members of a given category...