22 datasets found

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  • Sequence features dataset

    The dataset consists of sequences of packet sizes, payload sizes, and inter-arrival times generated from the TLS handshake.
  • Statistical features dataset

    The dataset consists of 24 raw statistical features used for training and validating the standard Random Forest classifier.
  • Google Chrome HTTPS dataset

    The dataset consists of publicly available HTTPs data gathered by crawling top accessed HTTPs websites twice a day on both Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.
  • Blue Cloak LLC Headquarters Network Traffic Data

    Dataset used for training and testing the CAMLPAD system
  • Botnet

    The dataset used in this paper is the Botnet dataset, a collection of network traffic data.
  • LYCOS-IDS2017 dataset

    The LYCOS-IDS2017 dataset is a network traffic dataset used for DDoS attack detection. It contains five days' worth of network flow entries, each comprising 83 features.
  • MAWI2019

    The dataset used in this paper for anomaly multimedia traffic identification in graynet.
  • CICIDS-DDoS Dataset

    The CICIDS-DDoS dataset is a real-time network traffic dataset.
  • UNSW-NB 15 Dataset

    The UNSW-NB 15 dataset is a hybrid dataset of real-world normal activities and synthetic contemporary attack behaviors.
  • CICIDS 2018 Dataset

    The CICIDS 2018 dataset is a real-time network traffic dataset.
  • KDDCUP99 dataset

    The dataset used in this paper is the KDDCUP99 dataset, which contains network traffic data from a military network.
  • Colosseum dataset

    The Colosseum dataset is a dataset of network traffic flow level, which is used to train and test the traffic steering algorithm.
  • Measuring Broadband America Dataset

    The Measuring Broadband America Dataset contains network statistics (including network traffic counters) collected by United States Federal Communications Commission from homes...
  • CICIDS2017 Dataset

    The CICIDS2017 dataset is a state-of-the-art general cyber-security dataset including the most updated types of attacks (i.e., DoS, sniffing, brute-force, web-attacks, botnets,...
  • RIPE-Atlas dataset

    The RIPE-Atlas dataset is a collection of network traffic traces from various locations around the world.
  • CIC-IDS2018

    The CIC-IDS2018 dataset contains labeled network activity data for benign and malicious behavior.
  • KDD99

    The KDD99 dataset is an updated version of the DARPA98 dataset, processed by the tcpdump portion.

    The MIRAI-RGU dataset includes normal traffic from Internet of the Things (IoT) Internet Protocol (IP) cameras and ten classes of malicious traffic from the Mirai botnet malware,...

    The USTC-TFC dataset includes ten classes of normal traffic and ten classes of malware traffic from public websites, which were collected from a real network environment from 2011...

    The ISCX-IDS dataset is a realistic-like dataset originally proposed for the development of enhanced intrusion detection and anomaly-based approaches. The network traffic was...