Single micro-electrode dataset
A dataset recorded from two rhesus macaques using single micro-electrodes. -
CRCNS dataset
A dataset recorded from two macaques implanted Utah arrays. -
SpikeDeep-Classifier dataset
A dataset collected from two tetraplegic patients implanted with two Utah arrays each and the epilepsy patients implanted with depth-electrodes in preparation for surgery. -
A natural language fmri dataset for voxelwise encoding models
A natural language fmri dataset for voxelwise encoding models. -
fMRI dataset
The dataset used in this study is a large-scale fMRI dataset acquired from 499 healthy adults. The dataset contains task-evoked fMRI data, which is preprocessed and registered... -
SynapCountJ is an ImageJ plugin that provides a semi-automatic procedure to quantify synapses and measure synaptic density from immunofluorescence images obtained from neuron... -
Upcrossing-rate dynamics for a minimal neuron model
The dataset describes the upcrossing-rate dynamics for a minimal neuron model receiving spatially distributed synaptic drive. -
DeNeRD Dataset
A dataset of brain sections used for training and testing the DeNeRD method. -
Comparing Fingers and Gestures for BCI Control Using an Optimized Classical M...
ECoG recordings from 8 epilepsy patients, comparing finger flexion and hand gestures for BCI control -
Human Connectome Project (HCP) data
Human brain is a massive information generation and processing machine. Studying the information flow may provide unique insight into brain function and brain diseases. We... -
Zebrafish Neural Activity Dataset
The dataset contains the neural activity of a larval zebrafish, recorded at single cell resolution for 3000 time frames. -
Working Memory Task EEG Dataset
The dataset used in this paper is a collection of EEG data from 16 subjects performing a working memory task. -
Hand Kinematics and Sensorimotor Cortex Dataset
The dataset contains kinematic data of hand movements and neural activity from sensorimotor cortex during grasping -
Synthetic Neuroscience Example
The dataset used in the paper is a synthetic dataset inspired by the types of neuronal responses to stimuli. It contains three populations of neurons tuned to elevation,... -
Muscle Synergies
The dataset used in the paper is a collection of muscle synergies, each representing a coordination of muscles that are activated in synchrony. -
MouseLight dataset
Janelia MouseLight reconstructions of neurons, including axonal and dendritic branches, somata, and tract values. -
Janelia MouseLight project
Cellular data from the Janelia MouseLight project to characterize morphological aspects of neurons. -
Visual Cortex Dataset
The dataset is a collection of images used to study the visual cortex. -
Astrocyte-Neuronal Network Coupled via Nitric Oxide
The dataset used in this study is a network of 1,000 astrocyte-neuronal units coupled via nitric oxide molecules.