nuScene Dataset
The nuScene dataset contains images and annotations of objects in the scene. -
PASCAL VOC2012 Dataset
The PASCAL VOC2012 dataset is a benchmark for object detection, containing 1464 images with corresponding labeled object instances for 20 classes. -
COCO2017 Dataset
The COCO2017 dataset is utilized to evaluate the quantization performance for object detection task. -
KITTI tracking dataset
KITTI tracking dataset provides 21 training and 29 test sequences. The dataset provides 2D bounding box annotations for cars, pedestrians, and 6 other classes, but only the... -
The Imagenette dataset used in the paper for class density and dataset quality in high-dimensional, unstructured data. -
KITTI Benchmark Dataset
The KITTI benchmark dataset is used to evaluate the performance of the proposed method. The dataset contains large-scale outdoor sequences of images captured by a forward-facing... -
Epic-Kitchens VISOR Benchmark
Egocentric video dataset for object detection and segmentation -
Occupancy prediction plays a pivotal role in au- -
MIT-Adobe FiveK
The MIT-Adobe FiveK dataset, a large-scale dataset for image segmentation and object detection. -
Open Images Dataset
The dataset used in the experiment consists of 50 images equally distributed between five classes: aircraft, bird, bicycle, boat, and dog. Each class has 5 true positive images... -
Training dataset generation for bridge game registration
The proposed method of automatic dataset generation for cards detection and classification makes it possible to obtain any number of images of any size, which can be used to... -
MSCOCO: A Large-Scale Object Detection Benchmark
The MSCOCO dataset is a large-scale object detection dataset. -
PASCAL Visual Object Classes Challenge
The PASCAL Visual Object Classes Challenge (VOC) is a benchmark dataset for object detection and semantic segmentation. -
COCO object detection and instance segmentation, ADE20K semantic segmentation
The dataset used in the paper is the COCO object detection and instance segmentation dataset, and the ADE20K semantic segmentation dataset.