453 datasets found

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  • Cityscapes

    The Cityscapes dataset is a large and famous city street scene semantic segmentation dataset. 19 classes of which 30 classes of this dataset are considered for training and...
  • KITTI dataset

    The dataset used in the paper is the KITTI dataset, which is a benchmark for monocular depth estimation. The dataset consists of a large collection of images and corresponding...
  • Microsoft COCO

    The Microsoft COCO dataset was used for training and evaluating the CNNs because it has become a standard benchmark for testing algorithms aimed at scene understanding and...
  • ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge

    A benchmark for low-shot recognition was proposed by Hariharan & Girshick (2017) and consists of a representation learning phase without access to the low-shot classes and a...
  • CityPersons

    The dataset used for pedestrian detection, occlusion and body part relevance assessment.
  • HRSC2016

    The HRSC2016 dataset is a high resolution ship recognition dataset annotated with oriented bounding boxes which contains 1061 images, and the image size ranges from 300 × 300 to...
  • DOTA

    The DOTA dataset is a large aerial image dataset for oriented objects detection which contains 2806 images with the size ranges from 800 × 800 to 4000 × 4000 and 188282...
  • KITTI 2015

    The KITTI 2015 dataset is a real-world dataset of street views, containing 200 training stereo image pairs with sparsely labeled disparity from LiDAR data.
  • Joint-DetNAS: Upgrade Your Detector with NAS, Pruning and Dynamic Distillation

    Joint-DetNAS is a unified framework for object detection that jointly optimizes NAS, pruning, and dynamic distillation.
  • DETRDistill: A Universal Knowledge Distillation Framework for DETR-families

    Transformer-based detectors (DETRs) are becoming popular for their simple framework, but the large model size and heavy time consumption hinder their deployment in the real world.
  • ImageNet-1k

    The dataset used in the paper is not explicitly described, but it is mentioned that the authors used it for language modeling and image classification tasks.
  • COCO

    Large scale datasets [18, 17, 27, 6] boosted text conditional image generation quality. However, in some domains it could be difficult to make such datasets and usually it could...

    Human Pose Estimation (HPE) aims to estimate the position of each joint point of the human body in a given image. HPE tasks support a wide range of downstream tasks such as...