8 datasets found

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  • Cataract Surgery dataset

    The dataset contains images of cataract surgery.
  • OCT

    The dataset used for the proposed Concept-Centric Visual Turing Test (VTT) framework for evaluating MIC methods.
  • Fundus Images Dataset

    The fundus images dataset is used for medical image enhancement. It contains 5,575 consecutive patients' fundus images.
  • Ichallenge-PM

    The Ichallenge-PM dataset is used for pathological myopia detection, containing 1200 annotated color fundus images.
  • Ichallenge-AMD

    The Ichallenge-AMD dataset is used for age-related macular degeneration detection, containing 1200 annotated retinal fundus images.
  • Kaggle-DR

    The Kaggle-DR dataset is used for diabetic retinopathy grading, containing 35,126 high-resolution fundus images.
  • AVENUE trial and HARBOR trial

    Two large OCT datasets from clinical trials on patients with neovascular age-related macular degeneration.
  • ODIR dataset

    The Ocular Disease Intelligent Recognition (ODIR) dataset is a structured ophthalmic database with eight classes covering most common retinal eye diseases.