26 datasets found

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    The MVSEC dataset is a dataset for event-based camera data, featuring 5 sequences of a car on the street, as well as 4 short indoor sequences shot from a flying quadrotor.
  • Sintel

    Dense pixel matching is required for many computer vision algorithms such as disparity, optical flow or scene flow estimation. Feature Pyramid Networks (FPN) have proven to be a...
  • Object Scene Flow

    Object scene flow is a dataset for stereo matching and optical flow estimation.
  • KITTI dataset

    The dataset used in the paper is the KITTI dataset, which is a benchmark for monocular depth estimation. The dataset consists of a large collection of images and corresponding...
  • KITTI 2015

    The KITTI 2015 dataset is a real-world dataset of street views, containing 200 training stereo image pairs with sparsely labeled disparity from LiDAR data.
  • Scene Flow

    Stereo matching aims to recover the dense reconstruction of unknown scenes by computing the disparity from rectified stereo images, helping robots intelligently interact with...