Real-world datasets
The dataset used in the paper is a real-world dataset containing currency exchange rates, commodity prices, and meteorology data. -
Real dataset results
The dataset is used to evaluate the performance of the proposed approach on real-world datasets. -
TikTok 2 and WechatMoments datasets
TikTok 2 and WechatMoments are real-world datasets used for evaluating the proposed CrossDistil framework. -
Zhuzhou and Baoding datasets
Zhuzhou and Baoding are two real-world datasets used in this paper for irregular traffic forecasting. -
Real-world dataset
The dataset used in this paper for testing the 3D-RecGAN++ model. It contains 1.5k SV and 2.5k CV testing datasets for each of the 6 categories. -
Adult dataset
A commonly observed pattern in machine learning models is an underprediction of the target feature, with the model’s predicted target rate for members of a given category...